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Shooting range Rules

In order to rationally and efficiently use working hours and save visitors' time, please reserve your desired visit time and duration by calling in advance +371 20 000 562 or writing!

Age of shooting range visitors.

In shooting ranges, the minimum age of the participants of training shooting or shooting sports competitions is determined according to Article 34, Part 6 of the Law on the Circulation of Weapons and Special Means:


Category B or C small-caliber threaded barrel hunting and sporting firearms, the ammunition of which has a rim capsule (ie short-barreled and long-barreled firearms);

For category D firearms (ie long-barrel smoothbore firearms).


allowed to shoot with all other category B and C firearms (ie all firearms except automatic firearms, military weapons)


Every visitor who wants to use the shooting range's services must familiarize himself with the rules of safety equipment upon arrival at the shooting range, as well as sign the visitor's registration log, confirming his citizenship and legal responsibility for observing the given rules.

Persons who do not have a permit to store or carry the relevant firearms, high-energy pneumatic weapons, practice shooting or shooting in sports competitions only under the guidance of a certified shooting instructor or trainer (instructor).

It is forbidden to use a weapon in the shooting range for persons under the influence of alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances.

The legal requirements of the instructor and trainer (instructor) are mandatory for persons in the shooting range.

The user of the weapon is responsible for specific actions with the weapon.

Shooting sports competitions at the shooting range take place according to the competition rules approved by the shooting sports federation and in accordance with the competition regulations approved by the federation.


1. Shooting lessons are conducted under the guidance of a certified shooting instructor or shooting sports specialist (coach), competitions - under the guidance and command of a certified judge.

2. The instructor, referee or coach controls how the person complies with the safety requirements.

3. Safety requirements and orders of the shooting instructor, judge or coach are binding

to all persons in the shooting range.

4. It is forbidden to handle a weapon for a person who is under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic, psychotropic or other intoxicating substances or who has a bad health condition, which may cause the person to act out of control and make an accidental shot while using the weapon. If a shooting coach, judge or instructor has reason to believe that a person is under the influence of intoxicating substances or in such a state of health that it is not possible to use a weapon safely, he does not allow the use of a weapon.

5. A person is in the shooting position and at the shooting line only with the permission of the coach, referee or instructor. The person does not leave the weapon and ammunition unattended and does not give it to other persons (except for the coach, judge or instructor).

6. If there is a person, animal or unforeseen obstacle near the target or in the dangerous sector of shooting, it is forbidden to touch the weapon.

7. A person who has a permit to keep or carry a weapon can do training shooting permanently with the permission of a shooting instructor or trainer, but after shooting go to the target - only on his command.

8. Weapons are loaded and fired at the command of the coach, judge and instructor.

9. The weapon is loaded for firing while on the firing line. The weapon is pointed in the direction of the target, aimed and fired only at the target while on the firing line (place). It is forbidden to touch the weapons of the people nearby.

10. It is forbidden for other persons to distract or otherwise disturb the person who is doing the shooting exercise.

11. All persons stop shooting after the command "Stop" of the coach, judge and instructor, given verbally or in another understandable way and language, without leaving their place at the shooting line, and present the weapon to the coach, judge or instructor.

12. A person who has finished shooting remains on the shooting line until a certain command and can go to the targets only after receiving the permission of the shooting instructor, judge or coach.

13. Persons who do not practice shooting or participate in competitions are prohibited from being on the shooting line, they must be at the resting place or at the "waiting place" marked at each field.

14. Outside the firing line, it is forbidden for a person to aim a weapon or otherwise prepare for shooting and point a weapon at people.

15. When leaving the firing line, the person makes sure that there is no ammunition left in the cartridge chamber and the cover of the weapon. It is forbidden to leave the firing line when the weapon is loaded and ready to fire.

16. The person immediately reports to the coach, referee or instructor any circumstance that could endanger the safety of the person.

17. A person who does practice shooting or participates in a shooting competition, and people who are close to the shooting line, must use ear protection (headphones).

18. The weapons are under the supervision of the person at all times. In all circumstances, the person handles the weapon as if it were loaded and ready to fire.

19. The user of the weapon is responsible for specific actions with the weapon during training and competitions.

20. By signing, the person certifies that he is familiar with these requirements and is responsible for complying with them.

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